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Don’t shoot the second arrow

Talking to a client recently about how in Buddhist philosophy, any time we suffer misfortune, 2 arrows fly our way. The 1st arrow is the actual bad event, which can cause pain or just dissatisfaction.…

Smile: it’s good for you (and everyone else)

One of the benefits of emotional intelligence is feeling good about ourselves, and I wanted here to mention one way of helping others to do the same and be emotionally intelligent too: smiling. We know…

Being Mindful

To manage our emotions, and think and behave in helpful ways so that we can present the best version of ourselves, being mindful is a solid foundation to build on. Engaging with helpful thoughts is…

Resilience during difficult times

Especially given the current climate, I wanted to share a few ideas on what we can do to look after our wellbeing, and encourage and maintain our resilience. I’ve mentioned in previous posts the benefits…

Coping during the lock-down

I plan to run some online resilience training before too long. In the meantime I’d like to share with you a few thoughts/ideas that have resonated with some of my clients and delegates in the…

(Realistic) Optimism and Pessimism

It’s useful to remind ourselves that our thinking affects our feelings, and vice-versa, and that acknowledging this is a good first step to avoiding stress and promoting psychological wellbeing. We’re going to refer to ‘helpful…

How Our Attitude Affects Our Outcomes

We can sometimes think our way into trouble, and become stressed, and end up making the situation worse, so I wanted to focus here on how changing our OUTLOOK or Attitude can help to change the OUTCOME of situations we…

Stress and emotional intelligence

We’re looking here at the relationship between stress and emotional intelligence (EQ), and how we might be able to move from the former to the latter: being emotionally intelligent rather than getting stressed, letting our…