Would you be interested in learning more about how to develop habits, tools and techniques so that you can make more of yourself and situations, prevent your emotions from ‘getting on top of you’, prevent and manage stress, be more resilient, better at keeping things in perspective, and have better relationships? If so, this programme is for you!! 

It’s grounded in neuroscience, and is based on Steve Peters’ ‘Chimp management’ mind model – we use his ‘A Path through the Jungle’ workbook as a guide – putting into practice learnings around understanding and managing our minds, and in particular our emotions and emotional responses. If we can do this, we’re then in a good position to allow logic and rationality to have the final say over our responses to situations, to navigate our way through life’s ups and downs, and to make the most of ourselves and others. 

As with all my coaching relationships, the starting point here is from where you’re at and where you’d like to get to – where you feel you’d like to grow, develop and progress – in relation to the above, and in relation to the following, which the programme also covers:

  • Gaining perspective
  • Developing resilience
  • Forming helpful habits, beliefs and behaviours
  • Optimising our relationships
  • Establishing and living by our values
  • Understanding and managing our drives

The programme comprises 6 x 1-hour sessions, either in-person or via Zoom. 

We decide between us the frequency at which we meet, depending on what suits (with different clients, I have fortnightly and monthly sessions at the moment). We can extend the programme with further sessions as needs be, but to give a good grounding into what it’s all about, and to give you a chance to digest, reflect on, practice and learn from the techniques involved, we work on the basis of 6 sessions. You/we can review and take a decision on that as we progress through the programme – you may decide that the 6-session programme is sufficient for your needs, and that further 1-1 sessions aren’t required.

The cost of a 6-session programme is £460, no VAT.

Do get in touch if you’d like a word about the programme – you can also schedule a video chat via the button on the right of the page. I’d be very happy to talk through the programme with you and learn what you’d like to achieve with it and how we can work together on that.

 I very much look forward to hearing from you.