I’d like to share a couple of things with you here
🪧 to promote/familiarise you with a great movement and charity I’ve recently signed up as a volunteer with: the Action for Happiness https://actionforhappiness.org/ and
🪧to let you know just for info that I’m co-facilitating their online ‘Happiness Habits’ course on their behalf in early October. Although courses are currently run online, they’re for those local to where the volunteer is based: in my case it’s Reading in Berkshire.
You’ll not be surprised to hear that their mission is to ‘help people create a happier world, with a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness’.
Here’s a link to the Resources page of their website (there are lots of them!) https://actionforhappiness.org/resources A lot of what I cover in my own work ties in very well with their purpose, values and intentions – what they’re about – so it seemed like a good fit for me.

Happiness Habits, is a ‘secular, science-based course for people who want to learn how to live happily and spread happiness to those around them. It was created to help people tune in to what really matters in life, connect with people around them and find simple ways to start taking action’.
(Everyone who joins the course makes a donation of their choice: either the recommended donation of £60 or more or less depending on their circumstances).
You can find out more about the course, when and where they’re being run if you’d like to attend, and how to volunteer to facilitate one yourself if you’d like to do so by clicking on this link https://actionforhappiness.org/course/
Please let me know if you’d like to know more about the course, or any of the above.
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