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Unhooking from our (unhelpful/negative) thoughts (video)

I looked in a previous video at how we can be affected physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally when we get stressed, and how the symptoms can feed into each other in a cyclical way. This…

How to manage stress responses (video)

This brief video looks at how we can respond when we’re stressed, our stress responses: how we can feel, how we respond emotionally, what we may do differently and how it can affect us physically.…

National Be Good To Yourself Day

Happy National Be Good To Yourself Day! Alright, hands-up, I made up this ‘National’ day, but if there were one, it might go something like this………. Today you are entitled/permitted/compelled/required etc to be good to…

Gratitude: why it’s a good idea

What do you feel grateful for today? We may feel instinctively that gratitude as part of our mindset will be good for us, but there’s also a wealth of research that confirms that experiencing gratitude…

You and your Character Strengths

If you’re interested in building up your strengths – you and your character strengths that is – please read on! These strengths – amongst them Fairness, Forgiveness, Courage, Self-regulation, Perseverance, Kindness, Love, Hope, Leadership, Bravery…

How to establish rapport

I included this quote/pic of Maya Angelou in a session I ran recently on emotional intelligence (EQ), in relation to how to establish rapport. One of the key components of EQ as you’re no doubt…

We live in our own worlds

With reference to creating and living in our own worlds, I’d like to share a few ideas and suggestions on managing our emotions, and as a result making the most of ourselves. I delivered a…

You are not your thoughts

Herewith a few thoughts and ideas about a helpful ‘thinking skill’ to put into practice if we’re thinking our way into trouble more often than is good for us: change your relationship with your thoughts…

Emotional reasoning

I’d like to explore here what we mean by ‘emotional reasoning’, and to share some suggestions and ideas on how to do something about it if you recognise it in yourself or others, and your…