Tag Archive: thinking skills

You are not your thoughts

Herewith a few thoughts and ideas about a helpful ‘thinking skill’ to put into practice if we’re thinking our way into trouble more often than is good for us: change your relationship with your thoughts…

Emotional reasoning

I’d like to explore here what we mean by ‘emotional reasoning’, and to share some suggestions and ideas on how to do something about it if you recognise it in yourself or others, and your…

Challenging Thinking Errors

I’d like to share a few thoughts about ‘Thinking errors/Faulty thinking’ – and a copy of the accompanying questionnaire if you’d find it helpful – as a few people got in touch about it after…

Dealing with unhelpful thoughts

A coaching client of mine has started using this form as she’s having negative/unhelpful thoughts more often than she’d like, and it affects her mood, so she’s resolved to come up with a more helpful…

Unhooking – ‘defusing’ – from our thoughts

The four areas are of course linked, and one area can lead to another – if we think negatively for example, we can feel overly irritable and gloomy, become tired physically, and behave in a…