Tag Archive: self-compassion

‘Happiness Habits’ course from Action for Happiness

I’d like to share a couple of things with you hereFirstly: 🪧 to promote/familiarise you with a great movement and charity I’ve recently signed up as a volunteer with: the Action for Happiness https://actionforhappiness.org/ and Secondly: 🪧to let you…

Your personal ‘life lessons’

Without wishing to add to your digital overload via your mobile phone😊, if you do have one, and you could do with an occasional or more regular reminder of your personal ‘life lessons’, or perhaps…

How to boost your self belief

If you’d like some ideas on how to boost your self belief and/or self confidence, try this journal I’ve put together that I know others have found helpful to achieve just that.  Some of the…

National Be Good To Yourself Day

Happy National Be Good To Yourself Day! Alright, hands-up, I made up this ‘National’ day, but if there were one, it might go something like this………. Today you are entitled/permitted/compelled/required etc to be good to…