Categories for Uncategorized

Your behaviour and habits

‘Behaving our way into a new way of thinking and feeling is easier than thinking our way into a new way of behaving’ (Various) In my 1-1 sessions with clients, we focus on what they…

How to manage your Chimp

I wanted to share with you here an exercise that my coachees and I have found very useful, as part of a coaching programme I run based on Prof Steve Peters’ ‘Chimp Management’ mind model. Below is…

“Nature abhors a vacuum”

This proposition, attributed to Aristotle, expresses the idea that unfilled spaces go against the laws of nature and physics and that every space needs to be filled with something. I’m applying it here in the…

Developing and maintaining resilience during uncertain times

I’d like to share a few tips and techniques to encourage our resilience during uncertain times/when things are difficult 🎯Be kind to yourself 🎯Remember that the situation is temporary and will pass 🎯Remind yourself that…

Time travelling anyone?

I’d like to share a few thoughts on mental ‘time travelling’: to the past and/or to the future, and what we might be able to do about it if we find ourselves:👎 Dwelling/ruminating on the…

How to stop our emotions taking over/getting stressed

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl, Holocaust and concentration camp survivor, and celebrated…

Practice ‘Gratitude’ etc

How about starting, or just reminding ourselves, to practice one or more of the following today? PRACTICE GRATITUDEGratitude trains the mind to notice the positive things. We bring to mind those things/people we’re grateful for:…

Don’t shoot the second arrow

Talking to a client recently about how in Buddhist philosophy, any time we suffer misfortune, 2 arrows fly our way. The 1st arrow is the actual bad event, which can cause pain or just dissatisfaction.…